6.9 Fuelup
is the official package manager for Fuel that installs the Fuel Toolchain from the official release channels, enabling you to easily switch between different toolchains and keep them updated. It makes building and maintaining Sway applications simpler with forc and fuel-core for common platforms.
是 Fuel 的官方包管理器,它从官方发布渠道安装 Fuel 工具链,使您可以轻松地在不同的工具链之间切换并更新。它让使用 forc 和 fuel-core (适用通用平台) 来构建和维护 Sway 应用变得更简单。
Get started with Fuelup: 开始使用 Fuelup:
需要帮忙?(Need Help?)
Head to the Fuel discord or the Fuel Forum for help from the team.
前往 Fuel discord 或 Fuel 论坛 寻求团队的帮助。
Last updated