2.4.4 作为侧链的Fuel (Fuel as a sidechain)

定义侧链 (Defining Sidechain)

A sidechain is a blockchain with a one-way trust-minimized bridge from the base chain.


Check out this resource to learn more about sidechains.


作为侧链的Fuel (Fuel as a Sidechain)

The Fuel technology can also run as a sidechain to an existing layer-1. This means there is a message passing bridge between the layer-1 and Fuel. In this configuration, data availability would be handled by the side chain, while settlement is handled by the layer-1.

Fuel 技术还可以作为现有第 1 层的侧链运行。这意味着在 layer-1 和 Fuel 之间有一个消息传递桥。在这种配置中,数据可用性将由侧链处理,而结算由第 1 层处理。

There would also be an option to run it in a semi-provable configuration, whereby fraud proofs can be used to ensure better validity guarantees using the layer-1 as an arbitrator.

还有一个选项可以在半可证明的配置中运行它,从而可以使用欺诈证明来确保更好的有效性保证,使用第 1 层作为仲裁员。

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