4.4 区块链类 (Blockchain Types)

Sway is fundamentally a blockchain language, and it offers a selection of types tailored for the blockchain use case.


These are provided via the standard library (lib-std) which both add a degree of type-safety, as well as make the intention of the developer more clear.


Address类 (Address Type)

The Address type is a type-safe wrapper around the primitive b256 type. Unlike the EVM, an address never refers to a deployed smart contract (see the ContractId type below). An Address can be either the hash of a public key (effectively an externally owned account if you're coming from the EVM) or the hash of a predicate. Addresses own UTXOs.

Address 类是对原始的 b256类的一个类安全封装。与EVM不同的是,地址永远不会指向已部署的智能合约(见下面的ContractId类型)。一个Address可以是一个公钥的哈希值(如果你是从EVM来的,那么实际上是一个外部拥有的账户)或者是一个谓词的哈希值。地址拥有UTXO。

An Address is implemented as follows.


pub struct Address {
    value: b256,

Casting between the b256 and Address types must be done explicitly:


let my_number: b256 = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002A;
let my_address: Address = Address::from(my_number);
let forty_two: b256 = my_address.into();

ContractId类 (ContractId Type)

The ContractId type is a type-safe wrapper around the primitive b256 type. A contract's ID is a unique, deterministic identifier analogous to a contract's address in the EVM. Contracts cannot own UTXOs but can own assets.

ContractId 类是对原始的 b256类的一个类安全封装。一个合约的ID是一个唯一的、确定的标识符,类似于EVM中的合约地址。合约不能拥有UTXO,但可以拥有资产。

A ContractId is implemented as follows.

一个 ContractId 的实施如下:

pub struct ContractId {
    value: b256,

Casting between the b256 and ContractId types must be done explicitly:


let my_number: b256 = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002A;
let my_contract_id: ContractId = ContractId::from(my_number);
let forty_two: b256 = my_contract_id.into();

Identity 类 (Identity Type)

The Identity type is an enum that allows for the handling of both Address and ContractId types. This is useful in cases where either type is accepted, e.g. receiving funds from an identified sender, but not caring if the sender is an address or a contract.

Identity类是一个穷举,允许处理 AddressContractId 类。这在任何一种类都被接受的情况下是有用的,例如,从一个确定的发件人接收资金,但不关心发件人是一个地址还是一个合同。

An Identity is implemented as follows.

一个 Identity 的实施如下:

pub enum Identity {
    Address: Address,
    ContractId: ContractId,

Casting to an Identity must be done explicitly:

铸造到一个 Identity必须明确进行:

        let raw_address: b256 = 0xddec0e7e6a9a4a4e3e57d08d080d71a299c628a46bc609aab4627695679421ca;
        let my_identity: Identity = Identity::Address(Address::from(raw_address));

A match statement can be used to return to an Address or ContractId as well as handle cases in which their execution differs.

match 语句可用于返回到AddressContractId ,以及处理它们执行不同的情况。

        let my_contract_id: ContractId = match my_identity {
            Identity::ContractId(identity) => identity,
            _ => revert(0),
        match my_identity {
            Identity::Address(address) => transfer_to_address(amount, token_id, address),
            Identity::ContractId(contract_id) => force_transfer_to_contract(amount, token_id, contract_id),

A common use case for Identity is for access control. The use of Identity uniquely allows both ContractId and Address to have access control inclusively.

Identity的一个常见用例是用于访问控制。使用Identity可以唯一地允许ContractIdAddress, 同时拥有访问控制。

        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap();
        require(sender == storage.owner.read(), MyError::UnauthorizedUser(sender));

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