11.4.1 forc-addr2line

Show location and context of an opcode address in its source file



forc addr2line [OPTIONS] --sourcemap-path <SOURCEMAP_PATH> --opcode-index <OPCODE_INDEX>


-c, --context <CONTEXT>

How many lines of context to show [default: 2] 显示多少行上下文 [默认值:2]

-g, --sourcemap-path <SOURCEMAP_PATH>

Source file mapping in JSON format JSON 格式的源文件映射

-h, --help

Print help information 打印帮助信息

-i, --opcode-index <OPCODE_INDEX>

Opcode index 操作码索引

-L, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>

Set the log level 设置日志级别

-s, --silent

Silence all output 静音所有输出

-S, --search-dir <SEARCH_DIR>

Where to search for the project root [default: .] 在哪里搜索项目根目录[默认:.]

-v, --verbose

Use verbose output 使用详细输出

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