11. Forc引用 (Forc Reference)
Forc stands for Fuel Orchestrator. Forc provides a variety of tools and commands for developers working with the Fuel ecosystem, such as scaffolding a new project, formatting, running scripts, deploying contracts, testing contracts, and more. If you're coming from a Rust background, forc is similar to cargo.
Forc 代表 Fuel Orchestrator(Fuel合奏)。 Forc 为使用 Fuel 生态系统的开发人员提供了各种工具和命令—搭建新项目、格式化、运行脚本、部署合约、测试合约等。如果您有 Rust 背景,那么 forc 与 Cargo 类似。
If you are new to Forc, see the Forc Project introduction section.
如果您是 Forc 新手,请参阅 Forc 项目 简介部分。
For a comprehensive overview of the Forc CLI commands, see the Commands section.
有关 Forc CLI 命令的全面概述,请参阅命令部分。
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