11.3 依赖(Dependencies)

Forc has a dependency management system which can pull packages using git. This allows users to build and share Forc libraries.

Forc 有一个依赖管理系统,可以使用 git 拉取包。这允许用户构建和共享 Forc 库。

添加依赖 (Adding a dependency)

If your Forc.toml doesn't already have a [dependencies] table, add one. Below, list the package name alongside its source. Currently, forc supports both git and path sources.


If a git source is specified, forc will fetch the git repository at the given URL and then search for a Forc.toml for a package with the given name anywhere inside the git repository.

如果指定了 git 源,forc将在给定 URL 处获取 git 存储库,然后在 git 存储库中的任意位置搜索具有给定名称的包的Forc.toml

The following example adds a library dependency named custom_lib. For git dependencies you may optionally specify a branch, tag, or rev (i.e. commit hash) reference.

以下示例添加名为custom_lib的库依赖项。对于 git 依赖项,您可以选择指定branchtagrev(即提交哈希)引用。

custom_lib = { git = "https://github.com/FuelLabs/custom_lib", branch = "master" }
# custom_lib = { git = "https://github.com/FuelLabs/custom_lib", tag = "v0.0.1" }
# custom_lib = { git = "https://github.com/FuelLabs/custom_lib", rev = "87f80bdf323e2d64e213895d0a639ad468f4deff" }

Depending on a local library using path:


custom_lib = { path = "../custom_lib" }

Once the package is added, running forc build will automatically download added dependencies.

添加包后,运行forc build将自动下载添加的依赖。

更新依赖 (Updating dependencies)

To update dependencies in your Forc directory you can run forc update. For path dependencies this will have no effect. For git dependencies with a branch reference, this will update the project to use the latest commit for the given branch.

要更新 Forc 目录中的依赖,您可以运行“forc update 。对于 路径 依赖项,这不会产生任何影响。对于具有 branch 引用的 git 依赖项,这将更新项目,进而使用给定分支的最新提交。

Last updated