
一般问题 (General)

什么是Euler? (What is Euler?)

Euler is a non-custodial protocol on Ethereum that allows users to lend and borrow almost any crypto asset. Learn more about how Euler works by reading the white paper here.

Euler 是以太坊上的非托管协议,允许用户借出和借入几乎任何加密资产。阅读此处的 白皮书,了解有关 Euler 工作原理的更多信息。

谁开发了Euler? (Who developed Euler?)

Euler was initially created by a team of developers at a company called Euler XYZ Ltd (see website here). Today it is progressively decentralising and receives contributions from the external developer community as well as ongoing contributions from Euler XYZ.

Euler 最初是由一家名为 Euler XYZ Ltd 的公司的一组开发人员创建的(参见网站 点击此处)。今天,它正在逐步去中心化,并同时接收外部开发者社区的贡献和Euler XYZ 的持续贡献。

什么是 (What is EulerDAO?)

EulerDAO is a decentralised autonomous organisation encapsulating all holders of a governance token called EUL. Holders of the token have voting powers to propose and make changes to the underlying code of the Euler Protocol.

EulerDAO 是一个去中心化的自治组织,包含了所有持有名为 EUL 的治理代币的人。代币持有者拥有投票权,可以提议和更改Euler协议的底层代码。

什么是Euler基金会 (What is the Euler Foundation?)

Since DAOs not have a formal legal strucutre, the Euler Foundation was established as a non-profit Foundation Company designed to represent EulerDAO in the ‘real world’. The Euler Foundation has no shareholders and cannot pay out dividends to its members. Its purpose is to provide a vehicle by which EulerDAO can sign a contract or engage a company for a service that the DAO requires.

由于 DAO 没有正式的法律结构,因此Euler基金会成立为一家非营利性基金会公司,旨在代表“现实世界”中的 EulerDAO。Euler基金会没有股东,不能向其成员支付股息。基金会的目的是提供一种工具,EulerDAO 可以通过该工具签署合同或聘请公司提供 DAO 所需的服务。

社区参与 (Community Involvement)

我如何才能参与 EulerDAO?(How can I get involved in EulerDAO?)

Join the Discord and meet the community, make proposals and discussion on the governance forum, or send a message if you have other ideas of contributing to the protocol.

通过加入 Discord 来与社区互动,在 治理论坛 上提出建议和讨论,如果您有对协议做出贡献的其他想法,请发送消息。

开发者文档在哪里?(Where is the developer documentation?)

Please refer to the Developers section and check out the Euler SDK.

请参阅 开发文档 部分并查看 Euler SDK

您的品牌指南/材料在哪里?(Where are your branding guidelines/materials?)

The branding materials are located at the following link: euler.finance/branding. Copyright is owned by the Euler Foundation.


Euler dApp

我如何存款和借款?(How do I deposit and borrow?)

Go to the Euler app, login via the Connect button on ETH mainnet. Click on the Quick Action button. You can deposit and borrow through the same named action buttons. Choose the asset and amounts, then approve of the transactions.

进入Euler app,通过ETH主网上的 "连接 Connect" 按钮登录。单击快速操作按钮。您可以通过相同命名的操作按钮进行存款和借款。选择“资产 asset" 和 "金额 amount" ,然后批准交易。

如何激活市场?(How do I activate a market?)

Search for an asset in the search bar on the Euler app. Unlisted assets can be activated by the Activate button, which will ask you to initiate the transaction. Once complete, the asset will be listed and activated.

Euler 应用 的搜索栏中搜索资产。未列出的资产可以通过"激活 Activate" 按钮激活,它会要求您启动交易。完成后,资产将被列出并激活。

为什么我找不到要激活的特定代币?(Why can't I find a specific token to activate?)

Some tokens might not be on the token list or might not have a pool on Uniswap v3. Please send a message if you have trouble finding an unlisted asset.

某些代币可能不在代币列表中,或者在 Uniswap v3 上可能没有池。如果您在查找未列出的资产时遇到问题,请到discord发送消息

什么是资产分层?(What are asset tiers?)

Euler uses risk-based asset tiers to protect the protocol and its users. Isolated and Cross assets cannot be used as collateral, but Cross assets can be borrowed alongside other assets, while Isolated assets cannot.

Euler 使用基于风险的 资产分层来保护协议及其用户。隔离资产和跨层/交叉资产不能作为抵押品,但交叉资产可以与其他资产一起借用,而隔离资产不能。

子账户是是什么? (What are sub-accounts?)

Sub-accounts enable users to isolate positions into different accounts.

子账户 使得用户可以将头寸隔离到不同的账户中。

Euler 使用什么预言机?(What oracle does Euler use?)

Euler uses Uniswap V3 Time Weighted Average Price (TWAP) as the pricing oracle.

Euler 使用 Uniswap V3 时间加权平均价格 (TWAP) 作为定价预言机。

什么是预言机评级?(What is the oracle rating?)

The Oracle Rating system attempts to rank Uniswap v3 price oracles for different markets high, medium, or low based on the ease with which they can be manipulated.

Oracle 评级系统 尝试根据操纵 Uniswap v3 价格预言机的难易程度对不同市场的价格预言机进行高中低排名。

储备金是什么? (What are the reserves?)

Reserves are protocol-owned liquidity deposited on Euler to provide a backstop against a 'run on the bank' scenario. Reserves build up over time as borrowers pay interest on their loans. The reserves are ultimately controlled by EulerDAO Governance.

Reserves 是存放在 Euler 上,协议拥有的流动性,用于为“银行挤兑”情景提供支持。随着借款人为其贷款支付利息,储备金会随着时间的推移而增加。储备最终由 EulerDAO Governance 控制。

资产如何成为抵押品?(How can an asset become collateral?)

An asset must have substantial liquidity with wide distribution in its Uniswap V3 WETH paired pool. If the asset has a low-risk oracle, it is in a better position to be regarded as a safer asset to become collateral through a governance proposal.

资产必须在其 Uniswap V3 WETH 池中具有广泛分布的大量流动性。如果该资产有一个低风险的预言机,通过[治理提案](https://forum.euler.finance/t/welcome-to-the -euler-governance-forum/7),它就更有可能被视为更安全的资产。

Euler 是否在任何其他链/L2 上?(Is Euler on any other chains/L2s?)

Euler is currently only on Ethereum Mainnet. Euler is open to and exploring other chains and layers, but nothing is currently imminent.

Euler 目前仅在以太坊主网上。 Euler 对其他链和层持开放态度并将进行探索,但目前并无特别意愿去部署。

特色功能 (Features)

什么是铸币和燃烧?(What are Mint and Burn?)

Mint enables users to more efficiently create leveraged positions of borrowers and deposits. For example, a user can deposit $1,000 USDC, and mint $2,000 USDC. Then you will have $3,000 USDC deposits, and $2,000 USDC liabilities. Burn closes Mint positions.

铸币 Mint 使用户能够更有效地创建借款人和存款的杠杆头寸。例如,用户可以存入 $1,000 USDC,然后铸造 $2,000 USDC。然后你将有 3,000 美元的 USDC 存款和 2,000 美元的 USDC 负债。 "燃烧 Burn" 关闭 Mint 头寸。

"转移"操作有什么作用?(What does the Transfer action do?)

Users can transfer deposits (eTokens) and debt (dTokens) to other accounts. Always check the accounts involved in your operation will have sufficient collateral to support it.

用户可以 转移 存款 (eTokens) 和债务 (dTokens) 到其他账户。请始终检查涉及您操作的帐户是否有足够的抵押品来支撑。

我可以交换代币吗?(Can I swap tokens?)

Yes, the swap feature enables users to exchange one deposited asset for another using Uniswap V3 and 1inch DEXes.

是的,交换功能使用户能够使用 Uniswap V3 和 1inch DEXes 将一种存入的资产交换为另一种资产。

如何做空代币 (How can I short a token?)

The Short action allows users to build a leveraged short position by borrowing and then immediately selling an asset on an external exchange, including 1inch and Uniswap.

做空 操作允许用户通过借入然后立即在外部交易所(包括 1inch 和 Uniswap)出售资产来建立杠杆空头头寸。

我应该以 19 倍的速度挖矿吗?(Should I mine at 19x?)

Euler does not give financial advice, but users should note that mining at 19x is highly risky and can lead to liquidation if the user’s collateral cannot cover the interest fees. Mining at 19x most often liquidates positions within the same day it is created.

Euler 不提供财务建议,但用户需要注意,19 倍挖矿具有高风险,如果用户的抵押品无法支付利息费用,可能会导致清算。以 19 倍的速度挖矿通常会在创建的同一天就清算头寸。

什么是清算时间-What is Time To Liquidation (TTL)?

TTL allows users to see the amount of time they have until their position is liquidated based on the current interest rates and prices of those positions.

清算时间 TTL 允许用户查看根据当前利率和头寸价格计算的清算时间。

什么是软清算?(What is a soft liquidation?)

Euler allows liquidators to repay up to the amount needed to bring a violator back out of violation (plus an additional safety factor). Other protocols are fixed so that liquidators can pay off up to half a borrower's loan in one go, regardless of how underwater their position is.

Euler 允许 清算人 最多偿还使违规者恢复正常所需的金额(加上额外的安全因子)。而其他协议是固定的,因此清算人可以一次性偿还多达一半的借款人贷款,无论他们的头寸有多少。

量表和 EUL 分布 (Gauges & EUL Distribution)

如何申领 EUL 代币?(How can I claim EUL tokens?)

Users can go to the Euler app, click on the Claim button in the navbar and claim any available tokens of previous epochs in the Distribution window once EUL tokens are available to claim.

用户可以前往Euler app,点击导航栏中的“申领 Claim”按钮,并在EUL代币可申领时,在分发窗口中申领任何可用的代币。

EUL 有什么用途? (What utility does EUL have?)

EUL’s main utility is as a governance token for the Euler protocol. Users with EUL can have a say in the future decisions and direction, as well as the EUL distribution in the Euler gauges.

EUL 的主要用途是作为 Euler 协议的 治理代理。拥有 EUL 的用户可以对未来的决策和方向以及Euler量表中的 EUL 分布有发言权。

借款人的 EUL 代币分配情况如何?(What is the distribution of EUL tokens for borrowers?)

The distribution is decided by the amount of EUL tokens staked in the gauges.

分配由在 量表 中质押的 EUL 代币数量决定。

市场是如何决定每个纪元的?(How are markets decided for each epoch?)

Users can add or remove EUL distribution eligible markets simply by staking EUL tokens in their preferred gauges. Markets not in the top 10 staked will not be eligible for EUL distribution.

用户只需将 EUL 代币放在他们喜欢的量表中,即可添加或删除符合 EUL 分配条件的市场。不在前 10 名的市场将没有资格获得 EUL 分配。

EUL代币 (EUL Token)

有代币吗?我怎样才能获得它?(Is there a token? How can I earn it?)

The Euler token (EUL) is distributed to borrowers on select markets on the platform. Please see the Governance section for more details.

Euler 代币 (EUL) 在平台特定市场上分发给借款人。有关详细信息,请参阅 治理 部分。

什么是代币经济学?(What are the tokenomics?)

Allocation, vesting and other information about the EUL token can be found in the EUL section under Governance.

有关 EUL 代币的分配、归属和其他信息可以在治理下的 EUL 部分中找到。

是否有 TGE/ICO/IDO?(Is there a TGE/ICO/IDO?)

There is no public sale. 没有公开销售。

我在哪里可以交易EUL?(Where can I trade EUL?)

The EUL token is not yet released to the public. EUL 代币尚未向公众发布。

我如何获得空投?(How do I get an airdrop?)

There is no airdrop. 1% of the supply was allocated to users who interacted with the dApp during Epoch 0 as a one-off retroactive distribution.

没有空投。 1% 的代币会提供给 0纪元 Epoch 0 期间与 dApp 交互的用户,作为一次性追溯分配。

测试网用户是否获得奖励?(Do testnet users receive rewards?)

No, testnet is to preview upcoming features and for users to learn about the protocol without any mainnet gas fees.

不,testnet 是为了预览即将推出的功能,并让用户了解协议,而无需任何主网 gas 费用。

我可以投资 Euler 获得代币吗?(Can I invest in Euler for tokens?)

No, you can only receive EUL distribution by borrowing.

不可以,您只能通过在平台借款获得 EUL。

有人给我发消息承诺免费代币/ICO/NFT/等,这是真的吗?(Someone messaged me promising free tokens/ICO/NFTs/etc, is it real?)

No, that is fake. No one related to Euler will ever message anyone directly, nor offer free tokens or investments of any kind.

不,都是假的。与 Euler 相关的任何人都不会直接向个人发送消息,也不会提供免费代币或任何形式的投资。

合作 (Partnerships

关于合作/集成,我可以联系谁?(Who can I contact about partnerships/integrations?)

Feel free to reach out through Discord or other platforms in the Quick Links section. Also read the integration guide for more details.

您可以随时通过“快速链接”部分中的 Discord 或其他平台与我们联系。另请阅读 集成指南 了解更多详细信息。

我们可以在我们的交易所上架 EUL 吗?(Can we list EUL on our exchange?)

EulerDAO cannot advise on exchange listings, nor pay for any listings.

EulerDAO 不能就交易所上市提供建议,也不会为任何上市付费。

我们可以在您的流动性挖矿计划中提供我们的代币吗?(Can we offer our token in your liquidity mining programme?)

Euler will be adding this feature in the near future. Please get in touch if you’d like to integrate with the distribution mechanisms.

Euler 将在随后添加此功能。如果您想与分发机制集成,请与我们联系。

如果我们向您付款或激活我们的代币,您能否推销我们的公司/代币?(Can you market our company/token if we pay you or activate our token?)

Sorry, Euler does not accept payments or donations of any kind to promote activated markets.

抱歉,Euler 不接受任何形式的付款或捐赠来推广已激活的市场。

你们有大使计划吗?(Do you have an Ambassador programme?)

Not yet, but you can earn Epoints for contributing to the Euler community. For more information, please check out the blog post on Epoints.

还没有,但您可以通过为 Euler 社区做出贡献而获得 Epoints。有关更多信息,请查看关于 Epoints的博客文章。

Last updated