// Approve the main euler contract to pull your tokens:
IERC20(underlying).approve(EULER_MAINNET, type(uint).max);
// Use the markets module:
IEulerMarkets markets = IEulerMarkets(EULER_MAINNET_MARKETS);
// Get the eToken address using the markets module:
IEulerEToken eToken = IEulerEToken(markets.underlyingToEToken(underlying));
// Deposit 5.25 underlying tokens (assuming 18 decimal places)
// The "0" argument refers to the sub-account you are depositing to.
eToken.deposit(0, 5.25e18);
// -> internal book-keeping value that doesn't increase over time
// -> 5.25e18
// ... but check back next block to see it go up (assuming there are borrowers)
// Later on, withdraw your initial deposit and all earned interest:
eToken.withdraw(0, type(uint).max);
// Use the markets module:
IEulerMarkets markets = IEulerMarkets(EULER_MAINNET_MARKETS);
// Approve, get eToken addr, and deposit:
IERC20(collateral).approve(EULER_MAINNET, type(uint).max);
IEulerEToken collateralEToken = IEulerEToken(markets.underlyingToEToken(collateral));
collateralEToken.deposit(0, 100e18);
// Enter the collateral market (collateral's address, *not* the eToken address):
markets.enterMarket(0, collateral);
// Get the dToken address of the borrowed asset:
IEulerDToken borrowedDToken = IEulerDToken(markets.underlyingToDToken(borrowed));
// Borrow 2 tokens (assuming 18 decimal places).
// The 2 tokens will be sent to your wallet (ie, address(this)).
// This automatically enters you into the borrowed market.
borrowedDToken.borrow(0, 2e18);
// -> 2e18
// ... but check back next block to see it go up
// Later on, to repay the 2 tokens plus interest:
IERC20(borrowed).approve(EULER_MAINNET, type(uint).max);
borrowedDToken.repay(0, type(uint).max);