(推文)PoL 中的角色和参与(Thread)Roles and Participation in PoL

原文地址 Original tweet: https://x.com/berachain/status/1805639727548350896

1/ Proof of Liquidity is an accelerant for Berachain's application layer—users, protocols, and validators work together to scale liquidity and security simultaneously. Here's how:

流动性证明是 Berachain 应用层的促进剂——用户、协议和验证者共同努力,同时扩展流动性和安全性。以下阐明这个机制:

2/ Users: Supply liquidity and stake LP to accumulate BGT rewards + LP fees. BGT rewards for a gauge are calculated from the global weighted average of validators' gauges Users' BGT earnings are based on 1. total assets staked in the gauge 2. amount of BGT emitted to the gauge

用户:提供流动性并质押LP,累积BGT奖励+LP费用。合约的 BGT 奖励根据验证者合约的全球加权平均值计算。 用户的 BGT 收入基于 1. 合约中质押的总资产 2. 发放到合约的 BGT 金额

3/ Validators: Take turns building blocks and earn block rewards based on the amount of BGT delegated to them. Validators direct a portion of the BGT earned via block building to gauges of their choice via their "berachef."

验证者:轮流构建区块,并根据委托给他们的 BGT 数量获得区块奖励。验证者通过他们的“berachef”将通过区块构建获得的一部分 BGT 定向到其选择的合约。

4/ View an example of a berachef here https://bartio.station.berachain.com/validators/0x40495A781095932e2FC8dccA69F5e358711Fdd41

在这里查看 berachef 的示例 https://bartio.station.berachain.com/validators/0x40495A781095932e2FC8dccA69F5e358711Fdd41

5/ Applications: Create proposals to create a new gauge, making a rewards vault eligible for BGT emissions from validators. Because a gauge is just a smart contract that accepts a single asset to be staked, this can be in the form of a pool on BEX or anything else!

应用:创建提案来生成新的合约,使奖励金库有资格获得验证者的 BGT 排放。因为合约只是一个接受单一资产质押的智能合约,所以它可以采用 BEX 或其他任何资产池的形式!

6/ Learn more about how PoL works in our docs https://docs.berachain.com/learn/protocol/pol-participants

在我们的文档中详细了解 PoL 的工作原理 https://docs.berachain.com/learn/protocol/pol-participants

Last updated