如何收获BGT:通往更绿牧场之路 (How to farm BGT:A Road to Greener Pastures)

原文 Original Article: https://blog.berachain.com/blog/how-to-farm-bgt

If you’ve been following Berachain and Proof of Liquidity, you might wonder how to start building a strategy farming BGT, Berachain’s governance token. Earning BGT is a matter of smart participation: providing liquidity, strategically aligning with validators, and understanding the value proposition of ecosystem protocols incentivizing validators. Berachain’s Proof of LIquidity creates an environment where active participation directly translates into rewards. This post will walk readers through understanding the basics of a strategy to maximize BGT earnings while contributing to the security and liquidity of the network.

如果您一直关注 Berachain 和流动性证明,您可能想知道如何开始构建策略收获 BGT(Berachain 的治理代币)。赚取 BGT 关乎明智的参与:提供流动性、与验证者进行战略协调,以及了解激励验证者的生态系统协议的价值主张。 Berachain 的流动性证明,创造了一个积极参与直接转化为奖励的环境。这篇文章将引导读者了解最大化 BGT 收益同时,为网络的安全性和流动性做出贡献的策略的基础知识。

如何赚取 BGT How to earn BGT

Remember, BGT cannot be bought and isn’t transferable. The only way to earn BGT is by providing liquidity and then staking the LP token into a whitelisted gauge. In Berachain, a gauge refers to a smart contract that lets users stake a specific asset to earn BGT rewards. The amount of BGT rewards a user earns from gauges is a function of:

请记住,BGT 无法购买且不可转让。赚取 BGT 的唯一方法是提供流动性,然后将 LP 代币质押到白名单中。在 Berachain 中,计量表(gauge)是指一种智能合约,可让用户质押特定资产来赚取 BGT 奖励。用户从计量表中获得的 BGT 奖励金额取决于以下因素:

  1. The user's share of total assets staked in the gauge 用户质押在计量表(gauge)中的总资产占比

  2. The amount of BGT rewards emitted to the gauge (we’ll cover this in the next section) 发送到计量表的 BGT 奖励金额(我们将在下一节中介绍)

Anyone can create a proposal to add a new gauge and protocols/developers exercise creativity in how the end-user acquires a given staking token. A good way to determine where to provide liquidity is to work backward from the list of gauges: https://bartio.station.berachain.com/gauge.


Right now, we see three gauges, aka three ways for users to earn BGT. These default gauges (vaults) are from Berachain’s native dapps built into the chain, and new gauges will be added over time. By LP’ing into the HONEY-WBERA pool on BEX, borrowing HONEY on Bend, depositing HONEY into the Berps vault, and staking the representative token into their respective gauges. This list will constantly change as new gauges are added via the gauge whitelisting process conducted via BGT governance. Developers or protocols can submit a proposal to create a new gauge for a specific asset. If the proposal passes, the new gauge is created and added to the list of approved gauges.

目前,我们看到了三种计量表标准,也就是用户赚取 BGT 的三种方式。这些默认计量表(保险库)来自内置于链中的 Berachain 原生 dapp,并且随着时间的推移将添加新的计量表。通过 LP 进入 BEX 上的 HONEY-WBERA 池,在 Bend 上借入 HONEY,将 HONEY 存入 Berps 金库,并将代表代币质押到各自的计量表中。随着通过 BGT 治理执行的计量表白名单流程添加新计量表,此列表将不断变化。开发人员或协议可以提交提案,为特定资产创建新的衡量标准。如果提案通过,则会创建新仪表并将其添加到已批准的仪表列表中。

Let’s walk through an example of how a user would provide liquidity and stake using the WBERA-HONEY pool gauge. Now that a user knows this gauge is eligible, they must go to that specific app to provide liquidity and receive the LP token. 让我们通过一个示例来了解用户如何使用 WBERA-HONEY 池计量表提供流动性和权益。既然用户知道该指标符合资格,他们必须前往该特定应用来提供流动性并接收 LP 代币。

In BEX, I can see that this pool currently receives a BGT APY of 48.34k%. Once a user adds liquidity, they’ll automatically receive an LP token that proves they provided liquidity to this specific pool. You’ll only actually start earning BGT once you stake the LP token. To stake this LP token, head back to the gauge section in the BGT station. Once a user clicks on the WBERA-HONEY gauge, they’ll see an option to deposit the LP token.

在 BEX 中,我可以看到该矿池目前的 BGT APY 为 48.34k%。一旦用户增加流动性,他们将自动收到一个 LP 代币,证明他们向该特定池提供了流动性。只有当您质押 LP 代币后,您才会真正开始赚取 BGT。要抵押此 LP 代币,请返回 BGT 站的仪表部分。一旦用户点击 WBERA-HONEY 仪表,他们就会看到存入 LP 代币的选项。

Once users deposit their LP token, they’ll start earning BGT rewards, which they can claim anytime! Users repeat this process with Bend and Berps. The only difference is that in Bend, the step of staking the LP token is done for the user automatically. Once users earn BGT, they can claim it and delegate it to a validator. Keep this in mind as we move on to the next step in the flywheel.

一旦用户存入 LP 代币,他们将开始赚取 BGT 奖励,并可以随时领取!用户使用 Bend 和 Berps 重复此过程。唯一的区别是,在 Bend 中,质押 LP 代币的步骤是自动为用户完成的。一旦用户获得 BGT,他们就可以领取并将其委托给验证者。当我们继续进行飞轮的下一步时,请记住这一点。

BGT 排放是如何产生的 (How BGT emissions are generated)

Now that we know what gauges are and how to start earning BGT, it's essential to understand where this BGT is coming from to create a well-rounded strategy for Proof of Liquidity. Validators earn BGT when they build a block, and they distribute a portion of their BGT earnings to a set of gauges of their choice, configured via their “berachef,” a per-validator breakdown of where they’re directing BGT rewards. Users can view a validator’s berachef configuration in BGT Station under validators.

既然我们知道了什么是指标以及如何开始赚取 BGT,那么有必要了解 BGT 的来源,以便为流动性证明制定全面的策略。验证者在构建区块时赚取 BGT,并将 BGT 收入的一部分分配给他们选择的一组指标,这些指标通过“berachef”进行配置,“berachef”是每个验证者对 BGT 奖励的分配明细。用户可以在 BGT Station 的验证器下查看验证器的 berachef 配置。

Since validators can push BGT emissions to gauges of their choice, the strategic way to think about BGT delegation is to delegate to a validator pushing BGT to gauges you’ve already deposited into. Remember that BGT award amount depends on the user's share of total assets staked in the gauge and the amount of BGT rewards emitted to the gauge– more BGT emitted to a gauge a user is staked in = more reward for the staker. On testnet, the default gauges are set at equivalent weighting, but once on-chain governance is activated, validators can decide the gauge weights.

由于验证者可以将 BGT 排放推送到他们选择的计量器,因此考虑 BGT 委托的战略方法是将 BGT 委托给验证者,将 BGT 推送到你已经存入的计量器。 请记住,BGT 奖励金额取决于用户在计量表中质押的总资产的份额以及向计量表发放的 BGT 奖励金额 - 向用户质押的计量表发放的 BGT 越多 = 质押者获得的奖励越多。在测试网上,默认指标设置为等效权重,但一旦激活链上治理,验证者就可以决定指标权重。

So far, this is our strategy for farming BGT:

到目前为止,这是我们种植 BGT 的策略:

  1. Provide liquidity to a gauge earning BGT 为赚取 BGT 的仪表提供流动性

  2. Delegate to a validator who is also directing BGT emissions to this gauge 委托给验证者,该验证者也将 BGT 排放定向到该计量表

激励措施 (Incentives)

Validators decide where they push their BGT emissions to, so there should be a way for protocols to convince or incentivize validators to push some BGT their way. We have a concept called “incentives,” the marketplace for validators' BGT emissions. In this marketplace, any protocol/dapp can put an offer out on the market in the form of ERC20 tokens and wait for any validator(s) to fill it. For example, a dapp could say, “I’m willing to pay 100 $CAMI tokens for every 1 BGT, and I’m offering a total of 1000 $CAMI.” These can be considered limit orders– the incentive remains open until it is completely filled. Validator A could fill 20% of the order and get 20% of the incentive, etc. Delegators are eligible to receive a portion of the incentive that validators accept– validators take a commission rate from the ERC20 tokens awarded, and the rest is distributed among delegators.

验证者决定将 BGT 排放推向何处,因此协议应该有一种方法来说服或激励验证者按照自己的方式推动一些 BGT。我们有一个称为“激励”的概念,即验证者 BGT 排放的市场。在这个市场中,任何协议/dapp 都可以 ERC20 代币的形式在市场上提出要约,并等待任何验证者来填充它。例如,dapp 可以说:“我愿意为每 1 个 BGT 支付 100 $CAMI 代币,并且我总共提供 1000 $CAMI。”这些可以被视为限价订单——激励措施将保持开放状态,直至完全满足。验证者 A 可以完成 20% 的订单并获得 20% 的激励等。委托人有资格获得验证者接受的部分激励——验证者从奖励的 ERC20 代币中抽取佣金,其余部分分配给验证者代表。

Validators could evaluate which incentives to fill based on their risk strategy and conviction in the ERC20 offered in exchange. For example, a validator with a lower risk tolerance might only be willing to accept incentives in HONEY, Berachain’s stablecoin. On the other hand, other validators may be willing to accept new and volatile ERC20s in exchange for BGT. As a delegator, this is an important angle to consider as it impacts the amount and type of rewards users receive from incentives. The strategic way to think about this would be to delegate with a validator that takes an acceptable (low) commission cut, accepts incentives you’re interested in, and is aligned with the user's risk.

验证者可以根据他们的风险策略和对交换所提供的 ERC20 的信念来评估要满足哪些激励措施。例如,风险承受能力较低的验证者可能只愿意接受 Berachain 的稳定币 HONEY 的激励。另一方面,其他验证者可能愿意接受新的且不稳定的 ERC20 以换取 BGT。作为委托人,这是一个需要考虑的重要角度,因为它会影响用户从激励中获得的奖励的数量和类型。考虑这个问题的战略方法是委托一个验证者,该验证者接受可接受的(低)佣金削减,接受您感兴趣的激励措施,并与用户的风险保持一致。

This is our strategy for farming BGT:

这是我们获取 BGT 的策略:

  1. Provide liquidity to a gauge earning BGT 为赚取 BGT 的仪表提供流动性

  2. Delegate to a validator who is also directing BGT emissions to this gaug委托给验证者,该验证者也将 BGT 排放定向到该计量器e、

  3. AND delegate to a validator who take a reasonable commission when filling incentives, is aligned with my risk tolerance and overall thesis 委托给验证者,该验证者也将 BGT 排放定向到该计量器

我们做到啦!(We did it, Joe!)

Proof of Liquidity is a system with different players seeking to maximize rewards. By understanding the intricacies of BGT emissions and the incentives marketplace, users can develop effective strategies to farm BGT and play an important role in making their capital productive. By providing liquidity, staking LP tokens in whitelisted gauges, and aligning with the right validators, participants can maximize their rewards and contribute to the network's security and liquidity. This system incentivizes active participation and strategic decision-making, creating an environment where stakers, validators, and protocols work together to drive the ecosystem's growth.

流动性证明是一个不同的参与者,寻求最大化奖励的系统。通过了解 BGT 排放和激励市场的复杂性,用户可以制定有效的 BGT 策略,并在提高资本生产力方面发挥重要作用。通过提供流动性、在白名单中质押 LP 代币以及与正确的验证者保持一致,参与者可以最大化他们的回报并为网络的安全性和流动性做出贡献。该系统激励积极参与和战略决策,创造一个让利益相关者、验证者和协议共同努力推动生态系统发展的环境。

*this functionality is not currently available on testnet, but will be live at mainnet. *此功能目前在测试网上不可用,但将在主网上提供。

Last updated