(推文)PoL一个被忽视的方面 (An overlooked PoL aspect)

1/ A cool but often overlooked PoL aspect: Since validators can receive incentives from dapps in their native tokens and share those incentives with their delegators, users can now completely outsource their farming strategy to their validators.

一个很酷但经常被忽视的 PoL 方面:由于验证者可以从 dapp 获得其原生代币的激励,并与委托者分享这些激励,因此用户现在可以将他们的Farming策略完全外包给验证者

2/ When deciding which validator to delegate to, in theory, users should look at what commission % that validator is taking, and what types of incentives they're accepting to gauge their risk appetite. ie. a validator accepting incentives in the native token of a new protocol (eg $IVX) vs only accepting $HONEY (stable)

理论上,在决定授权/委托给哪个验证者时,用户应该考虑验证者收取的佣金百分比,以及他们接受什么类型的激励措施来衡量他们的风险偏好。 比如,验证者接受新协议原生代币的激励(例如 $IVX)与仅接受$HONEY (稳定币)

3/ Users can choose their validators based on their risk profile, and then completely outsource everything that comes with evaluating and buying a new token to a more sophisticated actor while still reaping those benefits.


4/ Users can view what incentives a given validator is receiving on BGT station > validators & use that to understand what types of tokens a validator is willing to accept https://bartio.station.berachain.com/validators

用户可以查看给定验证者在 BGT 站 > 验证者上收到的激励,并使用它来了解验证者愿意接受哪些类型的代币 https://bartio.station.berachain.com/validators

5/ I think this is bullish af because you can take a bunch of unsophisticated users who normally might not be effective farmers and have them start receiving tokens they've identified as being within their risk profile without needing an edge, tribal knowledge, etc. New to farming? Berachain fixes this.

我认为这是看涨的,因为你可以让一群不成熟的用户(通常可能不是有效的农民)开始接收他们认为在其风险状况范围内的代币,而无需优势、部落知识等。Farming? Berachain 解决了这个问题。

原文 Original text:https://x.com/camiinthisthang/status/1826692027679211689

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