Bera上的消费:Berachain上消费app一览(Consumer on Bera:An ecosystem spotlight on Berachain native consumer-focu

Bera消费者 (Consumer Brypto)

Bm. It’s been a while since the last ecosystem overview, and the beras have been quite busy fleshing out new primitives and products. This week’s post will cover some of the applications building consumer apps available exclusively on Berachain.

Bm!自上次生态系统概述以来已经有一段时间了,beras 一直忙于充实新的原语和产品。本周的文章将介绍一些构建 Berachain 独家的消费应用。

Consumer crypto has a weird history. It’s difficult to define the sector because most crypto applications can be considered consumer-facing in one way or another. Consumer crypto has grown into an ecosystem of social products, betting apps, and a handful of RWA-focused marketplaces - but what really is a consumer crypto application? These products have evolved massively, and Berachain’s consumer crypto ecosystem is set up to stand out against the rest.

消费加密货币有着一段奇怪的历史。定义该行业很困难,因为大多数加密应用都可以以某种方式被视为面向消费者。消费者加密货币已经发展成为一个由社交产品、博彩应用和少数以 RWA 为重点的市场组成的生态系统 - 但真正的消费者加密应用是什么?这些产品已经发生了巨大的发展,Berachain 的消费者加密生态系统旨在脱颖而出。

Over the last couple of months, it seems to have dawned on most people that for crypto to succeed, we need to create new experiences enabled by blockchain tech. As an industry, it isn’t productive to reskin successful apps of the web2 era - consumer crypto needs to push boundaries and actually reinvent the wheel.

在过去的几个月里,大多数人似乎已经意识到,为了加密货币的成功,我们需要创造由区块链技术支持的新体验。作为一个行业,重新设计 web2 时代的成功应用并不高效——消费者加密货币需要突破界限,真正重新发明轮子。

The idea of consumer crypto has been discussed frequently since the more recent successes of Farcaster, Pump Fun, Fantasy Top, and Friend Tech. All of these applications can be categorized as consumer focused apps with blockchain powering their main features. They’ve done well to offer differentiated experiences from DeFi and net-new ways of enabling interactions on-chain. The core use case of crypto has always centered around payments, but blockchains elevate often mundane experiences. The acts of sending a message, listening to a song, or playing a video game can all benefit from blockchain-enabled incentives in one way or another - that’s the consumer crypto thesis.

自从 Farcaster、Pump Fun、Fantasy Top 和 Friend Tech 最近取得成功以来,消费者加密货币的想法一直被频繁讨论。所有这些应用都可以归类为以消费者为中心的应用,并以区块链为其主要功能提供支持。他们在提供不同于 DeFi 的差异化体验以及实现链上交互的全新方式方面做得很好。加密货币的核心用例始终以支付为中心,但区块链通常提升了平凡的体验。发送消息、听歌曲或玩视频游戏的行为都可以以某种方式受益于区块链支持的激励措施——这就是消费者加密货币理论。

Consumer crypto is often associated with web3 social experiences. For better or worse, these are the apps that take the bulk of the crypto community’s attention, mainly because it’s easy to make a case for why blockchains help in these instances. Owning the social graph, enabling easier payments, and earning revenue from your hard work; these are examples of ways blockchain technology can actually benefit the majority of users.

消费者加密货币通常与 web3 社交体验相关。无论好坏,这些应用吸引了加密社区的大部分注意力,主要是因为很容易解释为什么区块链在这些情况下会有所帮助。拥有社交图谱,轻松支付,通过辛劳赚取收入;这些是区块链技术实际上可以使大多数用户受益的例子。

Unfortunately for the industry, it’s not so easy to build consumer applications at scale, and SocialFi has had problems of its own around differentiation, attention spans, and reaching a ceiling in user base expansion and virality effects.

不幸的是,对于该行业来说,大规模构建消费者应用并不容易,而 SocialFi 在差异化、注意力广度以及用户群扩张和病毒式传播效应方面也遇到了自己的问题。

Jess from Seed Club wrote the following about his definition of what consumer crypto is: “Crypto often blurs the line between work and play, retail and professional, user and owner, but we think token-powered networks should be thought about as consumer products.”

来自 Seed Club 的 Jess 写了以下内容 关于他对消费者加密货币的定义:“加密货币经常模糊工作和工作之间的界限。游戏、零售和专业、用户和所有者,但我们认为代币驱动的网络应该被视为消费产品。”

Instead of trying to spot the differences between a DeFi app and a social networking app built on crypto rails, it’s easier to look at the target audience for any given crypto app and form two distinct buckets.

与其试图找出 DeFi 应用和基于加密轨道构建的社交网络应用之间的差异,不如更轻松地查看任何给定加密应用的目标受众并形成两个不同的类别。

Polymarket doesn’t market itself as a consumer app, but its core user base is in line with the definition of consumer software: “any software that is designed for the general public or a large and diverse group of users.”

Polymarket 并不将自己定位为消费者应用,但其核心用户群符合定义消费类软件:“任何专为公众或大量不同用户群体设计的软件。”

Polymarket’s user base is able to trade liquid markets covering anything from US election outcomes and Oscar winners to niche situations like airdrop predictions or whether or not Elon might tweet about a dog.

Polymarket 的用户群能够在流动性市场进行交易,涵盖从美国选举结果和奥斯卡获奖者到空投预测或埃隆是否会发布有关狗的推文等利基情况的任何内容。

Where a DeFi app like Lido might have a very specific target market, consumer crypto apps aren’t bound by the same rules. Someone can use Fantasy Top to collect their favorite accounts’ cards or choose only to use it for competitive tournament purposes. On the other hand, users on Friend Tech might interact with accounts to network themselves or use the app as a way of trading social metas, with only one goal in mind - to make money.

像 Lido 这样的 DeFi 应用可能有一个非常具体的目标市场,而消费者加密应用则不受相同规则的约束。有人可以使用 Fantasy Top 收集他们最喜欢的帐户的卡牌,或者选择仅将其用于竞技比赛目的。另一方面,Friend Tech 上的用户可能会与帐户进行交互以建立网络,或者使用该应用作为社交元交易的一种方式,他们的目标只有一个——赚钱。

There isn’t a set way to play, and that’s what makes consumer crypto so extendable to new audiences. The experiences provided are often unique and unlike anything available online or in an app store.


阵容 The lineup

Berachain has been developing a large ecosystem of DeFi projects, and for the past few months, a few consumer focused projects as well. The core messaging of PoL centers around shared incentives and native alignment between users, apps, and validators - consumer crypto on Berachain is setting out to be entirely different from what’s been previously attempted, thanks to these built-in mechanisms for incentive alignment.

Berachain 一直在开发一个大型 DeFi 项目生态系统,在过去的几个月里,还开发了一些以消费者为中心的项目。 PoL 的核心信息围绕用户、应用和验证者之间的共享激励和原生一致性 - 由于这些内置的激励一致性机制,Berachain 上的消费者加密货币与之前的尝试完全不同。

Crypto has done well at creating consumer apps that don’t require a significant modification of existing user behavior. Instead, these apps implement new elements that are additive to these behaviors, expanding the set of actions you can take on-chain. A number of the following products building on Berachain are emblematic of exactly this - experiences that are made better through crypto integrations.

加密货币在创建不需要对现有用户行为进行重大修改的消费者应用方面做得很好。相反,这些应用实现了附加到这些行为的新元素,扩展了您可以在链上执行的操作集。以下许多基于 Berachain 构建的产品正是这一点的象征——通过加密集成改善体验。

While this post will briefly touch on PoL and how these consumer crypto apps make use of it, the goal is to highlight their strengths and explain the unique opportunities being targeted by these teams and why Berachain is a good fit.

虽然这篇文章将简要介绍 PoL 以及这些消费者加密应用如何利用它,但目的是强调它们的优势并解释这些团队针对的独特机会以及为什么 Berachain 非常适合。


PuffPaw is a first of its kind vape-to-earn (V2E) project building on Berachain. It might sound ridiculous on the surface, but the team has developed an actual product and has extensive experience bringing something like this to market.

PuffPaw 是第一个在 Berachain 上构建的 vape-to-earn (V2E) 项目。表面上听起来可能很荒谬,但该团队已经开发出了实际的产品,并且拥有将此类产品推向市场的丰富经验。

Each passing year, we learn a little bit more about just how harmful smoking is, and how it’s become a type of plague on society. PuffPaw wants to help smokers quit and pivot to healthier alternatives, with a little bit of help from crypto incentives. It may sound far-fetched, but the team has built and shipped millions of vapes in the past and possesses a deep understanding of the supply chain- a background that’s atypical for the traditional crypto founder(s).

每一年,我们都会更多地了解吸烟的危害性,以及它如何成为社会的一种瘟疫。 PuffPaw 希望在加密货币激励措施的帮助下帮助吸烟者戒烟并转向更健康的替代品。这听起来可能有些牵强,但该团队过去已经制造和运输了数百万支电子烟,并且对供应链有着深入的了解——这对于传统加密货币创始人来说是非典型的背景。

PuffPaw’s team had seen the challenges previous play-to-earn and walk-to-earn projects had faced when attempting to integrate physical products and experiences into the crypto space. StepN had gotten around this by selling virtual sneakers on-chain, though eventually succumbed to economics issues with the model.

PuffPaw 的团队已经看到了之前的“边玩边赚钱”和“边走边赚钱”项目在尝试将实体产品和体验整合到加密货币领域时所面临的挑战。 StepN 通过在链上销售虚拟运动鞋来解决这个问题,但最终还是屈服于该模型的经济问题。

PuffPaw is situated in the realm between DePIN (decentralized physical infrastructure) and consumer crypto - lots of people smoke and many others vape. What if there were a way to incentivize people to quit smoking and switch to a healthier alternative? Could it be possible to do this with the help of blockchain-powered incentives and the Berachain community?

PuffPaw 位于 DePIN(去中心化物理基础设施)和消费者加密货币之间的领域——很多人吸烟,还有很多人吸电子烟。如果有一种方法可以激励人们戒烟并转向更健康的替代品呢?在区块链驱动的激励措施和 Berachain 社区的帮助下是否可以做到这一点?

After creating an actual physical vape, PuffPaw determined the best way of doing this was to monitor individuals’ puffs per day, durations/timestamps of puffs, nicotine levels, and a social graph consisting of other vape users, entirely on-chain. The team saw an opportunity to flip the traditional DePIN model of user investment, product interaction, and eventual token reward into something multilayered and unique.

在创建了实际的物理电子烟后,PuffPaw 确定最好的方法是监控个人每天的抽吸量、抽吸的持续时间/时间戳、尼古丁水平以及完全在链上的由其他电子烟用户组成的社交图谱。该团队看到了一个机会,可以将用户投资、产品交互和最终代币奖励的传统 DePIN 模式转变为多层且独特的模式。

The usage of a physical product for PuffPaw makes sense - after all, you can’t vape on-chain just yet. Puffpaw’s idea is to enable this net-new behavior with the help of token incentives, a unique physical product, and the belief that this community can enable healthier activities for everyone involved. There were three distinct variables chosen in the design of PuffPaw:

PuffPaw 使用实体产品是有道理的 - 毕竟,你还不能在链上吸电子烟。 Puffpaw 的想法是借助代币激励、独特的实体产品以及相信这个社区可以为每个参与者提供更健康的活动的信念来实现这种全新的行为。 PuffPaw 的设计中选择了三个不同的变量:

  • Making each physical vape a node, where smokers need to own a node license to enter the game, and different nodes possess varying tiers mining efficiency via a rarity system 让每个物理电子烟成为一个 节点, 其中吸烟者需要拥有节点许可证才能进入游戏,并且不同节点通过稀有度系统拥有不同级别的挖掘效率

  • Physical pods come in different flavors and different percentages of nicotine 物理烟弹有不同的口味和不同的尼古丁百分比

  • Each smoker will have a different amount of puffs per day on PuffPaw 每个吸烟者每天在 PuffPaw 上的抽吸量会有所不同

“Smokers must determine the optimal strategy to strike a balance between their gaming experience, their addiction to smoking, and their financial returns.”


Through this intricate balance, PuffPaw facilitates the first example of DePIN + GameFi + SocialFi, done exclusively on Berachain. The following PuffPaw flywheel chart is quite comprehensive, leaving a ton of room for players to implement their own unique strategies and play the game in a way that suits their lifestyle the best. And you can tape vapes with others to add them as friends, which is almost certainly only possible with PuffPaw.

通过这种复杂的平衡,PuffPaw 促成了 DePIN + GameFi + SocialFi 的第一个示例,该示例仅在 Berachain 上完成。下面的 PuffPaw 飞轮图表非常全面,为玩家留下了很大的空间来实施自己独特的策略,并以最适合他们生活方式的方式玩游戏。你还可以与其他人一起使用电子烟并将他们添加为朋友,这几乎肯定只有 PuffPaw 才能做到。

PuffPaw is exciting because there really isn’t anything to compare it to. GameFi saw the rise and fall of Axie Infinity, SocialFi is still in its training wheels phase, and DePIN is very sophisticated - PuffPaw has somehow taken the best of all three categories and morphed it into a singular product that’s one-of-a-kind. The team hasn’t announced when vapes will go on sale, but you can read more about their vision in this post or check out their Twitter here.

PuffPaw 令人兴奋,因为确实没有什么可以与之比较。 GameFi 见证了 Axie Infinity 的兴衰,SocialFi 仍处于辅助阶段,而 DePIN 非常复杂 - PuffPaw 以某种方式吸收了所有三个类别中的优点,并将其转变为一款独一无二的单一产品。该团队尚未宣布电子烟何时上市,但您可以在这篇文章此处 查看他们的 Twitter。


“BeraTone is all about carving out your own slice of fantasy paradise.” “BeraTone 就是为了打造您自己的幻想天堂。”

Modeled after the casual gaming experience of Animal Crossing, Beratone is a Berachain native, on-chain game offering online multiplayer for those that wish to experience the beraverse. Beratone is a role-playing game that features immersive 3D environments, giving players the opportunity to explore however they wish. Players can fish, farm, craft, and even dance. Beratone’s gameplay revolves around building and decorating a unique home, traveling to meet delightful NPCs, and exploring the many landscapes within Beratone.

Beratone 仿照《动物森友会》的休闲游戏体验,是一款 Berachain 原生链上游戏,为那些喜欢玩游戏的人提供在线多人游戏希望体验。 Beratone 是一款角色扮演游戏,具有沉浸式 3D 环境,让玩家有机会随心所欲地探索。玩家可以钓鱼、耕种、手工,甚至跳舞。 Beratone 的游戏玩法围绕着建造和装饰独特的房屋、旅行结识可爱的 NPC 以及探索 Beratone 内的众多景观。

There’s been significant growth in the consumer gaming industry, particularly in “casual” gaming experiences. Games like Overcooked, Slime Rancher, Stardew Valley, and Animal Crossing have all seen tremendous success. Gamers don’t always want to be fighting enemies, constantly grinding towards new upgrades, or playing games that might feel more like a chore than genuinely fun. Casual gaming has unlocked a new market for gaming that was previously untapped, after the discovery that many individuals just want to play a relaxing game that helps them wind down.

消费者游戏行业取得了显着增长,特别是在“休闲”游戏体验方面。 《Overcooked》、《Slime Rancher》、《Stardew Valley》和《Animal Crossing》等游戏都取得了巨大成功。游戏玩家并不总是想与敌人战斗,不断地努力获得新的升级,或者玩那些可能感觉更像是一件苦差事而不是真正有趣的游戏。在发现许多人只是想玩一款可以帮助他们放松的放松游戏后,休闲游戏开辟了一个以前未被开发的新游戏市场。

Beratone taps into this market by integrating web3 experiences into its vast open world of beras. Users can play however they want, whether this means navigating the beraverse solo or teaming up with friends to hang out in Beratone.

Beratone 通过将 web3 体验集成到其广阔的 beras 开放世界中来进军这一市场。用户可以随心所欲地玩游戏,无论这意味着独自在 beraverse 中航行,还是与朋友组队在 Beratone 中闲逛。

In their own words, Beratone is “an online multiplayer game where you can meet new friends, embark on epic adventures, craft items, customize your home, earn rare items, and trade with other players.”

用他们自己的话说(,Beratone 是“一款在线多人游戏,您可以在其中结识新朋友,踏上进行史诗般的冒险,制作物品,定制你的家,赚取稀有物品,并与其他玩家进行交易。”

There isn’t an end goal to Beratone. You can’t just beat the game and walk away, but that’s by design. Crypto has yet to see a metaverse-like game reach wider audiences and sustain massive success, but there’s a real possibility Beratone might become something like that. Instead of just hanging out in the Berachain discord or messaging with other beras on Telegram, community members can hop on Beratone and hang out in the beraverse for a more personal experience.

Beratone 没有最终目标。你不能只是通关游戏然后走开,但这是设计使然的。 Crypto 尚未看到类似虚拟宇宙的游戏能够吸引更广泛的受众并保持巨大的成功,但 Beratone 确实有可能成为这样的游戏。社区成员不再只是在 Berachain discord中闲逛或在 Telegram 上与其他 beras 发送消息,而是可以跳上 Beratone,在 beraverse 中闲逛以获得更个性化的体验。

Additionally, Beratone will be implementing some competitive elements. This is crypto, after all. But users don’t need to feel boxed into the traditional play-to-earn elements of most web3 games, as Beratone doesn’t require you to participate in it. The team is working hard and developing the game as Berachain works towards its eventual mainnet launch, so if you’re interested in learning more, you can navigate to their Twitter here or their Medium here.

此外,Beratone 将实施一些竞争元素。毕竟这是加密货币。但用户不需要感受到大多数 web3 游戏传统的边玩边赚钱的元素,因为 Beratone 不要求你参与其中。随着 Berachain 致力于最终的主网发布,该团队正在努力开发游戏,因此如果您有兴趣了解更多信息,可以导航到他们的 Twitter [此处](或他们的媒介此处


If you’ve ever ventured into the depths of the internet beyond the confines of crypto twitter, there’s a high chance you’ve crossed paths with the Twitch streaming or sports betting communities. These are extremely dedicated groups that make crypto twitter look tame by comparison.

如果您曾经超越加密 Twitter 的范围,深入互联网的深处,那么您很有可能接触过 Twitch 流媒体或体育博彩社区。这些都是非常专注的团体,相比之下,加密货币推特显得温和。

OverUnder is an alternative to the legacy systems in place, offering a new way to interact with the streamers you might watch everyday. The team is building a platform for real-time live wagering on Twitch streams, unique to Berachain. Users can navigate to OverUnder, bet on the future events that they believe might occur on stream, and potentially profit from their predictions.

OverUnder 是现有系统的替代方案,提供了一种与您每天可能观看的主播互动的新方式。该团队正在构建一个 Berachain 独有的 Twitch 直播实时投注平台。用户可以导航到 OverUnder,对他们认为可能在直播中发生的未来事件进行投注,并可能从他们的预测中获利。

Polymarket has dominated the crypto prediction markets ecosystem, but the available markets are decided upon by the Polymarket team members in a permissioned system. OverUnder’s system involves the use of computer vision technology that’s accumulated vast amounts of data from streams, making OverUnder’s engine capable of pulling from its dataset to automatically create and adjust odds. Through this, the platform becomes permissionless - computer vision determines the market opportunities, not people.

Polymarket 主导了加密货币预测市场生态系统,但可用市场是由 Polymarket 团队成员在许可系统中决定的。 OverUnder 的系统涉及计算机视觉技术的使用,该技术从流中积累了大量数据,使 OverUnder 的引擎能够从其数据集中提取数据以自动创建和调整赔率。通过这种方式,平台变得无许可化——计算机视觉决定市场机会,而不是人。

The rise of influential streamers and their increasingly dominant social media presences is a very niche vertical that hasn’t been tapped into by anyone in the crypto space. Sports betting has crept its way into every aspect of American sports and their broadcasts, with mobile apps like DraftKings and Fanduel being almost ubiquitous on the home screens of tens of millions of cell phones.

有影响力的主播的崛起及其日益占据主导地位的社交媒体存在是一个非常利基的垂直领域,尚未被加密货币领域的任何人利用。体育博彩已经渗透到美国体育及其转播的各个方面,像 DraftKings 和 Fanduel 这样的移动应用几乎无处不在于数千万部手机的主屏幕上。

The growth of eSports-specific betting has grown modestly, though it’s difficult to place bets on niche outcomes aside from winners or losers of specific competitions. Users from all over the world want to wager on the content they value the most, with the content being increasingly online centric.


When it comes to streaming, the daily active viewing numbers on platforms like Twitch are becoming increasingly larger threats to traditional media sources. Not everyone might enjoy playing games, similar to how not everyone wants to get onto a football field and get tackled - but almost anyone can enjoy a streamer playing a popular video game. OverUnder has the unique opportunity to really unlock new distribution channels between crypto audiences and the web2 world.

就流媒体而言,Twitch 等平台上的每日活跃观看人数对传统媒体来源的威胁越来越大。并不是每个人都喜欢玩游戏,就像不是每个人都想进入足球场并被拦截一样 - 但几乎任何人都可以享受主播玩流行视频游戏的乐趣。 OverUnder 拥有独特的机会来真正解锁加密货币受众和 web2 世界之间的新分销渠道。

OverUnder’s approach is unique because it adds another level of immersive experience to streaming. Sports betting has increasingly poked its way into our daily lives, mainly due to the level of retention it offers for these media platforms. If you put money into an outcome you’re much more likely to view the game or match in its entirety. With OverUnder integrating betting into streams, viewers become more involved and aligned with the outcomes of the streamer, adding another level of connection between audience and creator.

OverUnder 的方法很独特,因为它为流媒体增添了另一个层次的沉浸式体验。体育博彩越来越多地融入我们的日常生活,主要是因为它为这些媒体平台提供了很高的保留率。如果你把钱投入到一个结果中,你就更有可能完整地观看比赛或比赛。通过 OverUnder 将投注整合到直播中,观众可以更加参与并与直播结果保持一致,从而在观众和创作者之间增加了另一个层次的联系。


Goy is the first GameFi hardware publisher, a physical distribution layer for web3 games built with the help of Berachain and Build-a-Bera. The team wants to build a flywheel that draws in gamers and keeps them around through the addition of web3 incentives. Goy saw the growing demands of gamers in the physical gaming space and changes in consumer behavior dynamics.

Goy 是第一个 GameFi 硬件发行商,是在 Berachain 和 Build-a-Bera 的帮助下构建的 Web3 游戏的物理分发层。该团队希望建立一个飞轮来吸引游戏玩家并通过添加 web3 激励措施留住他们。 Goy 看到了游戏玩家在实体游戏领域不断增长的需求以及消费者行为动态的变化。

Products like the Steam Deck and Nintendo Switch have experienced massive growth, as gamers lean into more casual experiences at a cheaper price. Goy is building out a Steam Deck-style gaming console, with a built-in Web3 Gaming operating system and a hardware wallet operating system.

随着游戏玩家倾向于以更便宜的价格获得更休闲的体验,Steam Deck 和 Nintendo Switch 等产品经历了巨大的增长。 Goy 正在构建一款 Steam Deck 风格的游戏机,内置 Web3 Gaming 操作系统和硬件钱包操作系统。

Integrating crypto into the physical gaming experience hasn’t been attempted yet, and for good reason: we don’t know what this will look like. The Goy team thought otherwise, deciding it was time to elevate the experience of gaming and bring blockchain-based interactions directly to the source, in this case a physical console. Goy wants to push the boundaries of web3 and create experiences that can be shared between the web2 and crypto worlds.

尚未尝试将加密技术集成到物理游戏体验中,这是有充分理由的:我们不知道这会是什么样子。 Goy 团队却不这么认为,他们决定是时候提升游戏体验,并将基于区块链的交互直接带到源头,在本例中是物理控制台。 Goy 希望突破 web3 的界限,创造可以在 web2 和加密世界之间共享的体验。

For too long, web3 games have sputtered and failed to see product market fit at any stage. Gamers don’t want tokens, they want experiences. Goy is rewriting the script of GameFi’s go-to-market and attempting to deliver a new experience for crypto enthusiasts and no-coiners alike. At launch, you’ll be able to play any Berachain native game and in the future, any game you might on web2 game hardware. Goy is still under active development, but you can navigate to their Twitter here for more updates and news.

长期以来,Web3 游戏一直表现不佳,在任何阶段都未能看到适合市场的产品。游戏玩家想要的不是代币,而是体验。 Goy 正在重写 GameFi 的上市脚本,并试图为加密货币爱好者和无币者提供新的体验。发布时,您将能够玩任何 Berachain 原生游戏,以及将来您可能在 web2 游戏硬件上玩的任何游戏。 Goy 仍在积极开发中,但您可以此处导航至他们的 Twitter,了解更多更新和新闻。

结束语 (Closing thoughts)

Berachain’s consumer crypto ecosystem is fundamentally different from anything else out there because of PoL. There isn’t another blockchain where shared incentives come together to create net-new experiences on-chain. Projects like PuffPaw couldn’t exist without Berachain, in the same way that Berachain wouldn’t be the same without its ecosystem and community. These projects feel unique and almost tailormade for Berachain, with the community, ecosystem, and of course, PoL, breathing life to these ideas.

由于 PoL,Berachain 的消费者加密生态系统与其他任何生态系统都有根本的不同。没有另一个区块链可以将共享激励措施结合在一起,在链上创造全新的体验。如果没有 Berachain,像 PuffPaw 这样的项目就不可能存在,就像没有生态系统和社区,Berachain 就不一样一样。 这些项目感觉很独特,几乎是为 Berachain 量身定制的,社区、生态系统,当然还有 PoL,为这些想法注入了生命力。

There’s a case to be made that DeFi projects can cultivate consumer-like experiences on their own, but this post was only meant to highlight some of the non-DeFi projects on Berachain. With PoL, it’s quite easy to make a case that Berachain’s DeFi ecosystem is the first example of a consumer-first experience - but there’s this additional layer of DePIN, GameFi, and other consumer experiences that are only available on Berachain.

有理由认为 DeFi 项目可以自行培养类似消费者的体验,但这篇文章只是为了强调 Berachain 上的一些非 DeFi 项目。有了 PoL,很容易证明 Berachain 的 DeFi 生态系统是消费者优先体验的第一个例子 - 但还有一层额外的 DePIN、GameFi 和其他消费者体验只能在 Berachain 上获得。

Time will tell just how far teams can extend PoL into their applications’ workflows, but the early examples look good. The ecosystem feels fresh and isn’t tied down by existing crypto guardrails. If you’re interested in more of these projects’ developments and the broader Berachain ecosystem, you can follow this link to learn even more.

时间会告诉我们团队可以将 PoL 扩展到应用工作流程的程度,但早期的示例看起来不错。该生态系统让人感觉新鲜,并且不受现有加密护栏的束缚。如果您对这些项目的更多发展和更广泛的 Berachain 生态系统感兴趣,您可以点击此链接了解更多信息。

Ooga booga, and thank you for reading.

Ooga booga,感谢您的阅读。

Last updated