对提案投票表决 (Voting on Proposals)

通过对提案进行投票参与 Sei 治理 Participate in Sei governance by voting on proposals

前提条件 (Prerequisites)

  • 1.Acquire Sei tokens 获得Sei代币

  • 2.Delegate your Sei tokens to a Sei validator 将您的 Sei 代币委托给 Sei 验证者 TODO: Link Delegation instructions 即将推出:链上接授权说明

投票 (Voting)

The voting functionality for Sei governance is inherited from the standard Cosmos gov module. Below are some useful transaction and query commands along with links to more detailed documentation.

Sei 治理的投票功能继承自Cosmos gov 标准模块。下面是一些有用的交易和查询命令,以及更详细文档的链接。

交易 (Transaction)

给提案投票 Vote on Proposal

This allows an address to vote on a specified proposal. There are four voting options when voting on a proposal



例子 Example

seid tx gov vote {proposal_id} {vote_option} --from {voter_key} --chain-id {chain_id}

加权投票 Weighted Vote

The weighted vote transaction allows a voter to partially allocate voting power to various voting options. This is especially useful in cases where the vote is voting on the behalf of multiple stakeholders with different voting decisions.


When performing a weighted vote, the transaction is executed with voting weights instead of a single option. The voting weights are expressed as a comma separated string of vote options mapping to voting weights. The voting weights must add up to 1 for the transaction to be valid.

在执行加权投票时,交易以投票权重而不是单一选项执行。投票权重表示为映射到投票权重的,以逗号分隔的投票选项字符串。投票权重必须加起来为 1 才能使交易有效。

投票权重举例 Voting Weights Example


例子 Example

seid tx gov weighted-vote {proposal_id} {voting_weights} --from {voter_key} --chain-id {chain_id} 

查询 (Query)

提案详情Proposal Details

This will return the information about a single proposal specified by proposal_id.

这将返回指定 proposal_id 的单个提案的信息。

例子 Example

seid query gov proposal {proposal_id} --chain-id {chain_id}


This will return the current vote tally for the proposal_id provided.


例子 Example

seid query gov tally {proposal_id} --chain-id {chain_id}

提案投票 Proposal Votes

This will return all the votes on the specified proposal.


例子 Example

seid query gov votes {proposal_id} --chain-id {chain_id}

个人投票 Individual Vote

This will query the vote information for a specific voter address and proposal id.

这将查询特定投票地址和提案 ID 的投票信息。

例子 Example

seid query gov vote {proposal_id} {voter_addr} --chain-id {chain_id}
