模块化端点 (Module Endpoints) 这些端点在模块级别可用。您可以使用 GRPC 客户端进行调用 These endpoints are available in the module level. You can use a GRPC client to make these calls
POST 端点 (POST Endpoints)
The POST endpoints require a signed transaction (Tx). Here is an example using the cosmjs client:
POST 端点需要签名交易 (Tx)。这是使用 cosmjs 客户端的示例: https://github.com/sei-protocol/sei-chain/blob/master/oracle/oracle.js
下单 (PlaceOrders)
Module: Dex
This endpoint takes a bulk order placement request.
复制 rpc PlaceOrders(MsgPlaceOrders) returns (MsgPlaceOrdersResponse);
message MsgPlaceOrders {
string creator = 1;
repeated OrderPlacement orders = 2;
string contractAddr = 3;
repeated cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin funds = 5 [
(gogoproto.nullable) = false,
(gogoproto.castrepeated) = "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types.Coins"
message MsgPlaceOrdersResponse {
repeated uint64 orderIds = 1;
取消订单 (CancelOrders)
Module: Dex
This endpoint takes a bulk order placement request.
复制 rpc CancelOrders(MsgCancelOrders) returns (MsgCancelOrdersResponse);
message MsgCancelOrders {
string creator = 1;
repeated OrderCancellation orderCancellations = 2;
string contractAddr = 3;
message MsgCancelOrdersResponse {}
清算 (Liquidate)
Module: Dex
This endpoint liquidates an account
复制 message MsgLiquidation {
string creator = 1;
string accountToLiquidate = 2;
string contractAddr = 3;
message MsgLiquidationResponse {}
Module: Oracle
This endpoint is to send an oracle prevote hash for the next voting window.
复制 message MsgAggregateExchangeRatePrevote {
string hash = 1;
string feeder = 2;
string validator = 3;
message MsgAggregateExchangeRatePrevoteResponse {}
Module: Oracle
This endpoint is used to send an oracle pricing vote for the current voting window. The exchange rates provided must match the hashed prevote provided in the previous voting window (for the current voting window).
复制 message MsgAggregateExchangeRateVote {
string salt = 1;
string exchange_rates = 2;
string feeder = 3;
string validator = 4;
message MsgAggregateExchangeRateVoteResponse {}
获取端点 (GET Endpoints)
GetSettledTrades (does not exist?)
Module: Dex
This endpoint takes a market id and returns the trades settled in the last block.
此端点提取一个市场 id 并返回在最后一个区块中结算的交易。
复制 GetSettledTradesRequest {
int market_id;
GetSettledTradesResponse {
vector<Order> settled_trades;
Module: Dex
This endpoint will takes a market id and returns the latest (block) long orderbook.
此端点将采用市场 id 并返回最新(块)长订单簿。
Service 服务: codchen.matrixchain.dex.Query
Method 方法: LongBook
Message Format 消息格式:
复制 // Request
QueryGetLongBookRequest {
uint64 id = 1;
// Response
QueryGetLongBookResponse {
LongBook LongBook = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Example (using grpc-client-cli)
> grpc-client-cli localhost:9090
? Choose a service: codchen.matrixchain.dex.Query
? Choose a method: LongBook
Message json (type ? to see defaults): {"id": 0}
Module: Dex
This endpoint will takes a market id and returns the latest (block) short orderbook.
此端点将采用市场 id 并返回最新的(块)短订单簿。
Service 服务: codchen.matrixchain.dex.Query
Method 方法: ShortBook
Message Format 消息格式:
复制 // Request
QueryGetShortBookRequest {
uint64 id = 1;
// Response
QueryGetShortBookResponse {
ShortBook ShortBook = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Example (using grpc-client-cli)
> grpc-client-cli localhost:9090
? Choose a service: codchen.matrixchain.dex.Query
? Choose a method: ShortBook
Message json (type ? to see defaults): {"id": 0}
Module: Oracle
This endpoint will return the exchange rate for a specific denomination
Service 服务: seiprotocol.seichain.oracle.Query
Method 方法: ExchangeRate
Message Format 消息格式:
复制 // Request
QueryExchangeRatesRequest {}
// Response
QueryExchangeRateResponse {
OracleExchangeRate oracle_exchange_rate = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Example (using grpc-client-cli)
> grpc-client-cli localhost:9090
? Choose a service: seiprotocol.seichain.oracle.Query
? Choose a method: ExchangeRate
Message json (type ? to see defaults): {"denom": "foo"}
Module: Oracle
This endpoint will return all active exchange rates
Service 服务: seiprotocol.seichain.oracle.Query
Method 方法: ExchangeRates
Message Format 消息格式:
复制 // Request
QueryExchangeRateRequest {
string denom = 1;
DenomOracleExchangeRatePair {
string denom = 1;
OracleExchangeRate oracle_exchange_rate = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Response
QueryExchangeRatesResponse {
// exchange_rates defines a list of the exchange rate for all whitelisted denoms.
repeated DenomOracleExchangeRatePair denom_oracle_exchange_rate_pairs = 1;
// Example (using grpc-client-cli)
> grpc-client-cli localhost:9090
? Choose a service: seiprotocol.seichain.oracle.Query
? Choose a method: ExchangeRates
Message json (type ? to see defaults): {}
Module: Oracle
This endpoint returns all the denoms that are voting targets for oracle pricing votes.
Service 服务: seiprotocol.seichain.oracle.Query
Method 方法 : VoteTargets
Message Format 消息格式:
复制 // Request
QueryVoteTargetsRequest {}
// Response
QueryVoteTargetsResponse {
repeated string vote_targets = 1;
// Example (using grpc-client-cli)
> grpc-client-cli localhost:9090
? Choose a service: seiprotocol.seichain.oracle.Query
? Choose a method: VoteTargets
Message json (type ? to see defaults): {}
Module: Oracle
This endpoint returns the miss counter of a specific validator.
Service: seiprotocol.seichain.oracle.Query
Method: MissCounter
Message Format:
// Request
复制 // Request
QueryMissCounterRequest {
string validator_addr = 1;
// Response
QueryMissCounterResponse {
uint64 miss_counter = 1;
// Example (using grpc-client-cli)
> grpc-client-cli localhost:9090
? Choose a service: seiprotocol.seichain.oracle.Query
? Choose a method: MissCounter
Message json (type ? to see defaults): {"validator_addr": "seivaloperADDR"}
There are other query endpoints available and the specifications can be found here:
还有其他可用的查询终端,内容可在这里找到。 https://github.com/sei-protocol/sei-chain/blob/master/proto/oracle/query.proto