更新 (Upgrades)

All chain upgrades can be found here


sei-devnet-1 (deprecated 已弃用)

sei-testnet-2 (deprecated 已弃用)

sei-devnet-1 (active testnet 活跃的测试网 )

  • 1.0.6beta->1.0.7beta-postfix

    • Time 时间: 07/22/2022 15:00 UTC

    • Height 高度: 1133762

atlantic-1 (active incentivized testnet 活跃的激励测试网)

  • 1.0.6beta-val-count-fix-->1.0.7beta-postfix

    • Time 时间: 07/22/2022 16:00 UTC

    • Height 高度: 836963

  • 1.1.0beta-->1.0.7beta-postfix

    • Time 时间: 08/03/2022 15:30 UTC

    • Height 高度: 1862331

更新说明 Upgrade Instructions

You can find various instructions for upgrading. The docs below are from the 1.0.3beta upgrade

您可以找到各种升级说明。以下文档来自 1.0.3beta 升级

方法1:手动 (Method 1: Manual)

Once the chain reaches the upgrade height, you will encounter the following panic error message:


ERR UPGRADE "1.0.3beta" NEEDED at height: 153759

You will then stop your chain process and run the following commands:

# Checkout the binary for 1.0.3beta
git clone https://github.com/sei-protocol/sei-chain.git
cd sei-chain/
git fetch --tags -f
git checkout 1.0.3beta
# Build the new tool
make install
# Restart the chain process. Ensure that your GOPATH is in your PATH 
seid start --home ~/.sei

### 方法2: Cosmovisor (Method 2: Cosmovisor)

Cosmovisor is a sidecar / wrapper around a cosmos sdk binary that can perform upgrades for you. The page has a lot of information, so we'll just put the necessary details below.

Cosmovisor 是一个可以为您执行升级的 cosmos sdk 二进制文件的边车(sidecar)/封装器。该页面有很多信息,因此我们将在下面放置必要的详细信息。

go install github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/cosmovisor/cmd/cosmovisor@latest

Note: Some folks are seeing issues, with this. You can try building directly from the source (instructions)


Cosmovisor utilizes a file called upgrade-info.json and symlinks to different versions of the seid binary to perform the upgrade automatically for you. The layout looks as follows:

Cosmovisor 使用一个名为 upgrade-info.json 的文件和指向不同版本的 seid 二进制文件的符号链接,来自动为您执行升级。布局如下所示:

├── current -> genesis or upgrades/<name>
├── genesis
│   └── bin
│       └── seid
└── upgrades
    └── 1.0.3beta
        ├── bin
        │   └── seid
        └── upgrade-info.json

6 directories, 3 files

Before the migration, current is a symlink to the current version of seid (genesis/ before the migration and 1.0.3beta after the migration). The upgrades/ directory holds the various upgrades binaries, including the one for 1.0.3beta. To set the following file structure up, run the following:

在迁移之前,current 是当前版本的 seid 的符号链接(迁移前的genesis/ 和迁移后的1.0.3beta)。 upgrades/ 目录包含各种升级二进制文件,包括用于 1.0.3beta 的二进制文件。要设置以下文件结构,请运行以下命令:

# Export environment variables
# Create cosmovisor folder
mkdir -p $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
# Copy 1.0.0beta seid binary into the genesis folder
cp build/seid $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
# Instead of running 1.0.0beta with ./build/seid start, you would run it with cosmovisor
cosmovisor run start --home ~/.sei
# Checkout 1.0.1beta branch, build the new seid binary and move it into the upgrade folder
mkdir -p $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/upgrades/1.0.3beta/bin
# Checkout the binary for 1.0.1beta
git clone --depth 1 --branch 1.0.3beta https://github.com/sei-protocol/sei-chain.git
# Build the new tool
cd sei-chain/
make install
cp $(which seid) $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/upgrades/1.0.3beta/bin
